'What is Education?' MuralNov 19, 2016 Check out another Community Match Mural on 72 Jackson St. produced by Alex J. Brien. Thank you to our supporters that helped fund this project. We couldn’t have done it without you. We also couldn’t have done it without our youth who have inspired this ‘What is Education?’ movement. Location, theme, community involvement - this is one of our most important murals to date. Thanks to Alex, this collective vision was brought to life - we art art. we are change. Click the text to see more images.
Check out another Community Match Mural on 72 Jackson St. produced by Alex J. Brien. Thank you to our supporters that helped fund this project. We couldn’t have done it without you. We also couldn’t have done it without our youth who have inspired this ‘What is Education?’ movement. Location, theme, community involvement - this is one of our most important murals to date. Thanks to Alex, this collective vision was brought to life - we art art. we are change. Click the text to see more images.