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Huey's Kites

From Marquis:

Flying kites is such a simple act of freedom. The peacefulness, open field, endless sky and seemingly unlimited ways the kite can move or flow. And yet, this freedom isn’t afforded to everyone. A basic childhood (and adult) act never experienced, to me, is a metaphor to the basic human rights that have failed to be fully realized by Black people and communities of color due to the oppressive (intentionally so) structures in which we exist.  What happens to society, communities, the world when there are no limitations for people to flourish; when the wind of their freedom can carry them wherever they want? The time for that change is now. To echo the words of Mr. Huey P. Newton, whose words and calls to action reverberate around my piece, "When we say seize the time we also mean if you don't seize the time, the times will seize you!"


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